Rope Knot Tug Dog Interactive Toy
Rope Knot Tug Dog Interactive Toy
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Presenting the Rope Knot Tug Dog Interactive Toy, a combination of enjoyment and practicality crafted to strengthen the connection, between you and your beloved furry companion. This sturdy toy is perfect for playtime making it a must have addition to your pets toy selection.
- High Quality Material: Constructed from cotton rope this toy is made to endure the most enthusiastic chewers. It's safe for your pet to chew on offering a lasting solution for hours of fun.
- Chew Toy: The twisted rope design aids in cleaning your dogs teeth and massaging their gums while they chew promoting health and reducing plaque formation. It's a method to maintain their hygiene.
- Ideal for Tug of War: Featuring knots this toy is ideal for engaging in a tug of war session. It fosters interactive playtime strengthening the bond, between you and your dog while providing them with a workout.
- Activates Natural Instincts: The Rope Knot Tug Dog Interactive Toy stimulates your dogs instincts to chew, chase and tug offering them both physical stimulation. It serves as a way to keep your pet entertained and stave off boredom.
Product Size:
60 cm / 23.62 in
90 cm / 35.43 in
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